I am sad for what happened in Aurora, Colorado this week. Going to the movies should be fun. Going to a midnight premier should be exciting. It shouldn’t be an occasion for fear and destruction. It should be a time of laughter, not tears.
My heart goes out to those families who are suffering from this tragedy. I grieve for the lives lost. I pray for the injured in body and for those injured in spirit.
In times of hardship, this country has always leaned heavily on the entertainment industry for relief. Nickel matinees carried many Americans through the Depression and World War. It’s a way for this nation to laugh and escape. It’s a reminder to “keep calm and carry on.” There’s a happy ending coming soon.
But what happened in Colorado—the heart of the nation—was just heartbreaking. I don’t want to argue about gun laws here. This isn’t the place for it. The fact is that there are people who do evil deeds every day, walking amongst us all the time. They will use whatever means they can to hurt, destroy, and instill fear.
Is there a way to fight back? Yes. For me it is prayer. I have faith that though there will always be evil; the power of the Creator is greater.
He gave us compassion for each other. He gave us strength and a very strong will to persevere. He gave us laughter and endowed us with his own sense of creativity.
Though we all might feel a little fear when we visit our local theatre for a while, eventually we will remember what movies mean to us. We will need them again. We will overcome our fear and share the joy of storytelling again.
Those who were injured this week will have a long road of recovery, but with prayers and love and support, they will make it. The families who have lost loved ones will always feel that loss, but they will find healing in time. They will remember the joy and laughter. This Toast to Cinema is dedicated to them in hopes that they will find the strength to tell the stories for those who cannot.