Once upon a time there was princess who inherited a great kingdom from her father. Growing up, the princess imagined that when she became queen, it would be easy to rule the kingdom, and so she spent much of her time with her hobbies, friends, and family. But when the princess actually became Queen, she realized that being in charge took much more time and energy than she ever thought. One day she found that she had all but given up her hobbies, and had nearly forsaken her friends and family in order to run her kingdom.
With that revelation, the queen decided that she had better make time for all the things she loved, not just the kingdom, or she would be a sad and lonely monarch, hunched over her desk. Thus the queen embarked on a great adventure of a blog challenge, reconnecting her daily with her passion for writing.
Okay, maybe that introduction is a tad dramatic, but I have missed my blogging since taking over our family business. For the month of June I will be trying to blog every day, if only to prove to myself that I do have time to write. And if I have time to write a little piece each day, then I probably have time for all of the other important people and events in my life.
Why the month of June? Well, lots of reasons. It’s a super-busy month for me. My baby boy’s birthday is in June. (My baby turns 21 this year.) My anniversary is in June. (30 years, thank you very much) I’m hosting a big party/ fundraising rehearsal event for my local writers’ group. AND I have a self-imposed deadline for a book I’m trying to finish this month. But even with all of that, and the 15 active business projects I have, I am determined to write a little blog post each and every morning.
Thank you for reading, and please comment when you feel so moved. And if you have an extra minute, please sign up for my newsletter. I promise I won’t email you with every blog post I write. I reserve my newsletter for big events like book releases, signings, and other major milestones.
If you have an idea or suggestion for a blog topic, shoot me a message. I would love to hear it.