Day two of the June blogging challenge sounded easy. Just needed to make a list of twenty facts about myself. Hmmm… this took a little longer to put together than I expected.
1. One of my favorite things to do is teach Bible class to little kids. I especially like teaching the stories that are a little gross or scary. The expressions on the kids’ faces are priceless.
2. I have lived my whole life in Texas, with the exception of a couple of summers spent in Idaho, when my dad staked mining claims in the early 1970’s.
3. I have seen every episode of Gilligan’s Island. Even the TV specials where they got rescued and re-stranded.
4. My favorite aisle at the grocery store is the one with the coffee, chocolate syrup, and peanut butter. The combination of those smells delights me.
5. I read Little Women a dozen times in the third grade. That’s when I decided I wanted to be a writer.
6. I have the original script to Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope memorized. I’m a complete geek.
7. I enjoy travel. I have a long list of places I’d like to see before I die.
8. I like to study history and geography. I am also a nerd.
9. I adore pirates, spies, Vikings, detectives, and space cowboys– real and fictional.
10. I hate killing off characters in the stories I write. I will agonize and mourn for them for days. I know; it’s a problem.
11. I like birds, but only in pictures. They always poop on me. And no, I don’t believe that’s good luck.
12. I enjoy watching old movies, especially ones with Cary Grant or Audrey Hepburn, or both.
13. I dream in color. Always. Once I even had a dream in cartoon. Really.
14. My favorite authors are Ian Fleming, Rex Stout, and Agatha Christie.
15. I love holding babies.
16. I have an irrational fear of clowns, sharks, and alligators, and a rational fear of spiders, snakes, and scorpions. (I have been stung by scorpions twice.)
17. I am allergic to strawberries. Not the throat-closing-can’t-breathe kind of allergy, but the hives-from-my-nose-to-my-knees kind.
18. I was 38 years old when I finally got my ears pierced.
19. When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would always respond with “Carol Burnett.” I still do.
20. I can carry entire conversations with movie quotes and song lyrics.
Anything else you’d like to know? Just ask.