6:30 am Get up, shower, dress for the day, make coffee, eat breakfast
8:00 am Park myself at my desk, look over my daily schedule, answer my first phone call
9:00 am Start work designing houses, fixing sketches, finalizing construction docs
10:00 am Welcome my first appointment of the day
12:00 noon Grab something to eat, run into town for errands
1:30 pm Get back to work, return messages, start printing drawings
3:00 pm Visit with clients about design solutions, send emails of the day’s progress
5:00 pm Put away paperwork, pay bills, and organize for the next day
6:00 pm Make dinner, clean house, start laundry, prepare for evening activities
7:00 pm Meet with associates for writing, or other business development
9:00 pm Home for the night, write blog posts, check emails, read
10:00 pm Bedtime!
It’s a full schedule. I know. That’s why I really love the Bible verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray continually.”
That’s how I roll. How do you get through your daily schedule?